
We have manufactured productions our main current products are.
We have many products if you would like to receive more information about our products Feel free to contact us.

The composition brake shoe

The composition brake shoe are compatible with the friction performance of modern railway vehicles. We developed and implemented the composition brake shoe instead of traditional cast iron brake shoe, new composition brake shoe are made from synthetic resin formed from metal powder and inorganic material, which made trains faster and lighter beginning in 1955. We follow strict company standards in order to more products of the highest quality.

The cast iron brake shoe.

The cast iron brake shoe have been used since trains travel begin. The cast iron brake shoe are used widely, it demonstrates consistent break performance.

The increased adhesion abrasion unit

The Tokaido bullet train begin running in1955, we installed the wheel surface clean device to prevent skid and to improve short circuit sensitivity of track circuit developed and researched the increased adhesion abrasion unit.

The track maintenance brake shoe.

Vehicles acceleration we installed large track maintenance machines for improved accuracy and speedy maintenance.
We developed and implemented special brake shoe for customer needs because these track maintenance machines often use brakes.

The electric insulation brake shoe.

Vehicles for track maintenance need enough effect of brake performance in rain and snow. Especially when running low speed, vehicles that stop instantly in compared with towing load mass also it requires reliable brake performance when going downhill.

The wheel tread fix unit

We developed and implemented for repair of scratches and wear marks of rails. This is fired base metal that is attached special grindstone after press molding.