
Osaka Head office

We founded Ueda Brakes here.All production and development are in Okayama and Sanda, Sales are in west of area.

Address : 2-10-19 Tomobuchicho, Osaka Miyakojimaku, Osaka

Phone : +81-6-6921-2971

FAX : +81-6-6921-2975

train-phone : 071-4220

Tokyo office

The Tokyo office handles the kanto region (Tokyo and prefectures around Tokyo) and Tohoku region (northeast Japan.
The Tokyo office relocated 2015.

Address : The second Hiramori Bldg. 7F, 8-1-2 NishiGotanda, Shinagawaku Tokyo

Phone : +81-3-6417-9980

FAX : +81-3-6417-9985

Okayama office , factory

The office is the central office where Business Continuity Planning, handles production and distribution.
The office and factory are not near active faults.

Address : 338 Okuchokitashima, Setouchi, Okayama

Phone : +81-869-24-1222

FAX : +81-869-24-1223

Sanda office

Built in December 2016 the second BCP location.
The office is not near active faults.

Address: 501-66 Fukushima,Sanda,Hyogo

Phone : +81-79-558-8920

FAX :+81-79-558-8930